Designing for the kids

Designing a room that's going to be organized and STAY organized for the kids can be tricky.
You have to think how they will work based off their age.  Toddlers and preschoolers need buckets and easy to reach areas.  This way, when clean up time comes, they can just grab and drop.  Toy boxes, dress up bins and easy to read shelves are best.  

Granted, my pictures aren't great here, and the beds aren't perfect, but that's real life right?  It's a toodler room-I feel accomplished just for the very fact that it doesn't look like a tornado just ran through it.  The two girls share this room, and I love the simplicity of it.

A few concepts that seem to work:

  • Displayed books (encourages reading)
  • Beds with under storage (leaves more floor play space)
  • Bins for toys
  • Non-touch items are placed high and out of reach.
  • Individualized clothing racks, so clothes don't get mixed between the two girls
  • Shared shoe shelf
  • Days of the week clothing separators, so they can quickly get dressed

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